Evaluation of Gomutra Shilajatu
Dr. R. Devanathan and Dr. P. Rajalakshmi
Centre for Advanced Research in Indian System of Medicine Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India
28 May 2011
Full Text

Abstract :
The Shilajatu has been in extensive use in the preparation of number of medicines. In the present study Shilajatu is taken and it is subjected to Physico chemical analysis before and after purification. Physico - chemical analysis like determination of ash value, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash, pH etc and Organoleptic properties were the parameters taken for the present study. The data of the results are discussed in this paper.

Keywords :
Shilajatu, Ayurveda, Physicochemical analysis

Introduction :
The Latin name of Shilajatu is Asphaltum punjabinum. In English it is called as Black Bitumen or Mineral Pitch. The chemical composition of it varies in wide range; hence its chemical formula cannot be derived. It oozes from the rocks of the Himalayas. It can be very well known from the synonyms like Shaileya, Girija, Adrijatu, Shilasweda etc. It is also found in Kashmir, Bhutan and Tibet. It also occurs in the vicinity of petroleum and coal mines. Shilajatu is widely used in preparation of Ayurvedic medicines and is regarded as one of the most important ingredients in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is a part of famous Ayurvedic medicines such as Chandraprabha Vati, Arogya Vardhani Vati, Purnachandra Rasa, Shilajatvadi Lauha, Shilajatvadi Vati etc.

Conclusion :
The quality of shilajatu also depends on the species. There are two types of shilajatu available in the market, Raw Shilajatu and Suddha Shilajatu. But the one which is sold in the name of Suddha Shilajatu is not a pure one. It is better to repeat the sodhana process for suddha shilajatu obtained from the market.
Abstract :
Since centuries Shilajatu is known to Indians and ancient scholars of Ayurveda. They had mentioned vividly about its source, varieties, purification, medicinal uses etc. Shilajatu is a blackish - brown exudation, of variable consistency, obtained from steep rocks of different formations found in the Himalayas. In Sanskrit, Shilajatu means destroyer of weakness. Another meaning is "sweat of the rock". The Shilajatu has been in extensive use in the preparation of number of medicines. In the present study Shilajatu is taken and it is subjected to Physico chemical analysis before and after purification. Physico - chemical analysis like determination of ash value, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash, pH etc and Organoleptic properties were the parameters taken for the present study. The data of the results are discussed in this paper.

Keywords :
Shilajatu, Ayurveda, Physicochemical analysis

Introduction :
Gomuthra Shilajatu is one of the best varieties explained in Ayurveda texts. Ayurveda mentions Shilajatu as a wonderful medicine. It describes that sodhita shilajatu can cure even incurable diseases and disorders1. Shilajatu is explained in Maharasa group of drugs in Rasa Ratna Samuchaya2. Charaka Samhita describes Shilajatu as a cure for all the diseaseases3.
The Latin name of Shilajatu is Asphaltum punjabinum. In English it is called as Black Bitumen or Mineral Pitch. The chemical composition of it varies in wide range; hence its chemical formula cannot be derived. It oozes from the rocks of the Himalayas. It can be very well known from the synonyms like Shaileya, Girija, Adrijatu, Shilasweda etc. It is also found in Kashmir, Bhutan and Tibet. It also occurs in the vicinity of petroleum and coal mines.
Shilajatu is widely used in preparation of Ayurvedic medicines and is regarded as one of the most important ingredients in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is a part of famous Ayurvedic medicines such as Chandraprabha Vati, Arogya Vardhani Vati, Purnachandra Rasa, Shilajatvadi Lauha, Shilajatvadi Vati etc.

Physical Properties 4 :
  • Shilajatu is black in colour and shiny.
  • It is heavy and burns on fire without fumes or smoke.
  • It slowly dissolves in water and render yellowish colour.
  • It is insoluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform.
  • It has a pungent smell like cow's urine

Types of Shilajatu :
There are two types of Shilajatu5 mentioned in Rasa Shastra texts. They are,
  • Gomutra Gandhi Shilajatu (Black Bitumen)
  • Karpura Gandhi Shilajatu (Potassium Nitrate)

The types of Shilajatu as mentioned in Samhitas are shown in Table - 1

Table - 1 Shilajatu types in Samhitas
S. No Type of Shilajatu Charaka Samhita Sushruta Samhita Ashtanga Hridaya
1. Svarnadrija Shilajatu + + +
2. Rajatadrija Shilajatu + + +
3. Tamradrija Shilajatu + + +
4. Lohadrija Shilajatu + + +
5. Nagadrija Shilajatu - + +
6. Vangadrija Shilajatu - + +

Shilajatu is found described in both the classical texts i.e. Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita.
According to Charaka, It is similar to Guggulu. It is tikta and lavana in rasa, katu in vipaka and sita in virya. These properties are of loha shilajatu and it is considered as best of all. It is a commonly available variety6.
According to Sushruta, it is an exudates similar to lac (Laksha) and comes out from the mountains due to intense sun heat in the months of Jyeshta and Ashada (May to July). It is claimed to destroy all the diseases. That which is blackish, heavy, smooth, free from sand and soil and having a smell similar to cow's urine is considered as best7.
Ashtanga Hridaya also notes six types of Shilajatu. Among that which comes out of iron i.e. Lohadrija Shilajatu is considered as best8.

Shilajatu Gunas :
All types of Shilajatu contain tikta and katu rasa, kasaya as anurasa, katu vipaka, slightly usna or sita virya. Its karmas are yogavahi, rasayana, chedana etc. Charaka further added that it is made bhavita (impregnated) with the decoctions of vatapitta and kaphagna dravyas the above said karmas get highly potentiated9.

Tests for Shilajathu10 :
A good quality Shilajatu shows the following characteristics:
  • It is black or blackish brown in colour.
  • It has odour like cow's urine.
  • It does not create smoke and melts and becomes reddish in colour on fire.
  • When put in the water, sinks to bottom while descending and creates yellowish streaks.

Raw Shilajatu :
The Raw drug was procured from the raw drug shop of the local market. Raw Shilajatu is shown in Figure - 1

Geochemical Analysis of Raw Shilajatu :
The Geochemical analysis of Raw Shilajatu is shown in Table - 2
Table - 1 Geochemical Analysis of Raw Shilajatu :
S. No Properties Sample
1. Nature Resin
2. Color Dark red
3. Luster Resinous , Greasy
4. Streak Yellow
5. Cleavage NIL
6. Fracture NIL
7. Tenacity Sectile
8. Odor Camber
9. Hardness -
10. Specific Gravity -
11. Diaphaneity Translucent
12. Probable mineral Black Asphaltum

Harmful effects of Asuddha Shilajatu :
If Asuddha Shilajatu is administered internally it causes Daha, Murcha, Brama, Raktapitta, Kshaya, Agnimandya and Vibandha 11. So Shilajatu has to be administered only after proper purification.

Treatment :
The treatment for Asuddha Shilajatu sevana is intake of Maricha Churna with ghee for seven days12.

Material and Methods :
The raw drugs were purchased from the raw drug shop. It was purified according to the reference available in Ayurvedic Formulary of India (AFI)13. After purification both the samples were subjected to Physico - chemical analysis in Centre for Advanced Research in Indian System of Medicine (CARISM), SASTRA University, Thanjavur - Tamilnadu.

Method of Purification :
  • Shilajatu - 2 Kg
  • Hot water - 8 litre
  • Triphala kvatha - 1 litre

Powder of Shilajatu is vigorously mixed with hot water so as to disengage the soluble matter, it is allowed to settle down and the supernatant suspension is decanted and concentrated to thick paste.
The above extracted shilajatu as such available in the market is subjected to further sodhana as under.
Shilajatu is mixed with double the quantity of water and half the quantity of triphala kvatha and carefully boiled to dryness 13. The purified Shilajatu is shown in
Fig - 2.
Results and Discussion :
The Physico - chemical analysis of Shilajatu was carried out before and after purification.
The results are shown in Table - 2.
Table - 2 Physico-chemical Evaluation of Shilajatu
Sample Colour Odour Taste Solubility pH (1% solution) Loss on Drying (%) Total Ash (%) Water Soluble Ash (%) Acid insoluble Ash
Raw Shilajatu Reddish brown colour semisolid extract Cow's urine Bitter Pungent Freely soluble in water Partially soluble in Dilute HCl 3.90 2.2317 0.2074 100 0
Purified Shilajatu Reddish brown colour fine powder Cow's urine Bitter Pungent Partially soluble in water 5.73 10.8341 5.0519 3.0420 0.1888

The raw sample was subjected to geochemical analysis. The Geochemical analysis confirms the sample as Black Asphalt.
The shilajatu taken for purification was 2 Kg and the shilajatu obtained after purification was 1.5 Kg. The weight loss observed was ½ Kg. This may be due to the washing of impurities with the help of hot water.
The Analytical Study included the study of organoleptic characters, Ash value, Determination of total ash, pH value, Acid insoluble ash, water-soluble ash, The changes observed in organoleptic characters are the Raw Shilajatu was reddish brown semisolid extract and the purified sample was reddish brown coloured fine powder. It was having the smell of cow's urine. The purified sample was also having the smell of cow's urine. The taste was also changed, the raw drug was tasteless and in the purified sample has bitter and pungent taste. The pH of the raw drug was 3.90, while the pH of purified sample was 5.73. Raw Shilajatu was freely soluble in water while the purified sample was partially soluble in water.

Conclusion :
Shilajatu has been used for thousands of years and for as many different health problems. Shilajatu is considered as nectar of God given to mankind. It is a natural mineral substance, which is very useful in many diseases and serves as a potent tonic. In the raw form it is a bituminous substance, which is an organic matter composed of dark red gummy matrix.
The quality of shilajatu also depends on the species. There are two types of shilajatu available in the market, Raw Shilajatu and Suddha Shilajatu. But the one which is sold in the name of Suddha Shilajatu is not a pure one. It is better to repeat the sodhana process for suddha shilajatu obtained from the market.

Acknowledgement :
The Author wish to place his deep sense of gratitude to The Vice - Chancellor, SASTRA University and Associate Dean and Coordinator, Centre for Advanced Research in Indian System of Medicine (CARISM), SASTRA University, Thanjavur for their support and encouragement.

References :
  1. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Vyakhya by Shri Chakrapanidatta, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, 1998, PP - 738, P.No - 386.
  2. Vagbhatta Acharya, Rasa Ratna Samuchaya, Vijnanabodhini teeka by Professor. Dattatreya Ananta Kulkarni, Meherchand Lachmandas Publications, New Delhi, 1998, PP - 235, P.No - 18.
  3. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Vyakhya by Shri Chakrapanidatta, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, 1998, PP - 738, P.No - 386.
  4. Physical Properties of Asphalt, Seward Mason, R. J. Loomis, S. D. Patterson, H. G. Nevitt, L. C. Krchma, Analytical Chemistry, Volume 9, Issue 3, PP - 103 - 152, P. No - 138 - 139.
  5. Vagbhatta Acharya, Rasa Ratna Samuchaya, Vijnanabodhini teeka by Professor. Dattatreya Ananta Kulkarni, Meherchand Lachmandas Publications, New Delhi, 1998, PP - 235, P.No - 33.
  6. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Deepika Vyakhya by Shri Chakrapanidatta, Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, 1998, PP - 738, P.No - 386.
  7. Acharya Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Nibandhasangraha teeka by Dalhana Acharya, Chaukambha Krishnadas Academy, 1998, P.No - 456.
  8. Acharya Vagbhatta, Ashtanga Hridaya, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 2005, PP - 956, P.No - 932.
  9. Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Rasamritam, English translation by Dr. Damodar Joshi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, Second edition 2003, PP - 315, P.No - 259.
  10. Dr. Vilas Dole and Dr. Prakash Paranjape, A Textbook of Rasa Shastra, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, Firs t edition, 2004, PP - 436, P. No - 200.

  11. Acharya Shri Madhava, Ayurveda Prakasha, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, 1999, PP - 574, P.No - 429.
  12. Dr. Siddhinandan Mishra, Ayurvediya Rasa Shastra, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, First edition, 2006, PP - 610 , P. No - 336.
  13. Sadananda Sharma, Rasa Tarangini, Motilal Banarasidass, Varanasi, 2004, Pp - 972, P. No - 584.
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