Samangadikahshaya, A Polyherbal Formulation For Diarrhea
Dinesh Gupta*, Vijay M Kappattanvar**, Jagadeesh Mitti***,Titiksha Sharma****
J.S.S Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore, Karnataka, India
October 2018

Diarrhea is a serious problem affecting 3-5 billion people per year around the world, especially children of below 5 years. 70% of the world population uses traditional and indigenous medicine for their primary health care. The facts of these indigenous remedies are passed verbally and sometimes as documents. As the global perspective of Ayurvedic medicine is increasing, interest regarding the scientific basis of their action is parallely increasing. Researchers are doing experiments to establish the relation between the claimed action and observed pharmacological activities. In the present article, an attempt was made to compile the antidiarrheal activity of Samangadikahshaya mentioned in the classics . The authentic subject material has been reviewed from Ayurveda and modern medical literature.

Keywords: Antidiarrheal, Kutaj, Polyherbal, Dhatki, Musta 


Diarrhea is defined as a disorder that is characterized by the discharge of semi-solid or watery fecal matter from the bowel three or more times in a day1. Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries, especially for children under the age of five2.

It remains one of the major health threats to populations in the tropical and subtropical poor countries. In developing countries, the majority of people living in rural areas almost exclusively use traditional medicines in treating all sorts of diseases including diarrhea.3 Antibiotic resistance has become a global concern 4. Although some effective drugs are available around the world, searching for an anti-diarrheal traditional herbal medicine is still encouraged by the World Health Organization (WHO) because of its safety and availability5. Samangadikahshayapossessess antidiarrheal properties mentioned in the text.6

Method of prepration of Samangadikahshaya 7




Latin name


Part used




Rubia cordifolia



1 part



Aconitum heterophyllum



1 part



Cyperus rotundus



1 part



Zingiber officinale



1 part



Pavonia odorata



1 part



Woodfordia fruticosa



1 part



Holarrhena antidysenterica


St. bk.

1 part



Holarrhena antidysenterica



1 part



Aegle marmelos



1 part

Rt.- root, St.bk.- stem bark , Fr. P- fruit pulp, Rz.- rhizome

The coarse powder of all the ingredients are prepared separately and mixed together in the prescribed quantity. It is administered in the form of decoction as prescribed in the Ayurveda classics 8.

Ingredients of Samangadikahshaya and their pharmacological and therapeutic properties


Name of the drug

Rasadi panchak & Ayurvedic properties

Pharmacological properties




Guna- ushna,guru

Virya- ushna

Rogaghanta- atisara,ama,visha,raktaatisara,kustha,visarpa,prameha 9







Guna- ushna

Virya- ushna

Rogaghanta- atisara,ama,visha,vamana,krimiroga

Karma- agnideepka,pachaka11




Rasa – katu,tikta,kashaya

Virya- sheeta

Rogaghanta- jwara,aruchi,trisha,kapha pitta nashak krimihar

Karma- agnideepka,pachaka,grahi,swedajanaka13

Antidiarrheal 14

Antispasmodic 15



Rasa- Katu

Guna - Laghu,Snigdha (Shunthi),

guru, Ruksha, Teekshna


Virya - Ushna, ,Vipak - Katu(Ardraka),Madhur(Shunthi),



Rogaghnata – Amavata, Aruchi,Chhardi,agnimandya,Koshthavata,

sheetpitta, Kasa, Shwasa, pratishyay.

Karma - Shothahara,vednasthapana, Nadiuttejak, rochana, Dipan, Pachana,

vatashamak,Triptighna, vatanulomak,Grahi,Bhedana,kaphahara, Shwasahara,







Guna- laghu,ruksha

Virya- sheeta

Rogaghanta- atisara,ama aruchi,hrudaroga,,visaprpa,jwara

Karma- agnideepaka,pachaka20







Guna- laghu

Virya- sheeta

Rogaghanta- atisara,raktapita, visha,krimi,visaprpa,arsha

Karma- mrudukaraka,sangrahi23


Antibacterial 29,30





Guna- ruksha

Virya- sheeta

Rogaghanta- arsha,atisar,kushta,jwara

Karma- agnideepka,pachaka32


Antibacterial 36,37




Guna- ruksha

Virya- sheeta

Rogaghanta- arsha,atisar,kushta,jwara

Karma- agnideepka,pachaka38

Antibacterial 39,40






Guna- snigdha,ushna

Virya- ushna

Rogaghanta- atisara,pravahika,grahni,

Madumeha,karna roga,vata roga, kamla,arsha,shotha,jwara

Karma- agnideepka,pachaka,grahi42


Antibacterial 46



Holarrhena antidysenterica is also effective in treating multi-drug resistant Salmonella infection, which is an important cause of severe enteric diseases worldwide48. Most ingredients have katu, tikta, kashaya rasa ,and Kashaya dominant drugs can be incorporated in the subsequent phases which facilitates for Shoshana (absorption) of liquefied or detoxified, a state produced by Tikta Rasa and Katu Rasa49.Manjishtha have antidiarrheal effect.50Musta has produced its antidiarrhoeal effect through decreasing intestinal secretions and antispasmodic effect by inhibiting the intestinal motility.51 Z. officinale decoction also affected host cell metabolism as seen by the reduction in colonization to HEp-2 cells of E. coli B170, E. coli E134 and that of S. flexneri in the HEp-2 pre-incubation protocol. Thus the results demonstrate that the Z. officinale decoction probably affects both bacterial and host cell metabolism to exhibit its antidiarrhoeal action.52 Netrabala has shown the antimicrobial activity.53 Kutaj beej extract on gram positive and gram negative bacteria at different concentration by disc diffusion method was determined to assess their antimicrobial effect.54 The crude extract of Bilwa has shown antioxidant55, effective in experimental models of irritable bowel syndrome and physiological diarrhoea56,57


Pharmacological activities of ingredients of Samangadikahshaya has shown its use as, anitdiarrheal, antimicrobial,antibacterial,anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic qualities .So this review helps the researcher to explore this formulations for pharmacological activities of theSamangadikahshaya


*Assistant Professor , Dept of Rasashastra & Bhaishya Kalpana Jammu Institute of Ayurveda & Research, Nardani Jammu, J&K

**Assistant Professor, Dept of Dravya Guna , Shri Kalidas Ayurveda Medical College, Badami , Karnatka ,

***Ex-Consultant Ayurveda , Sri Sri Ayurveda Jammu ,J&K

****Prof., J.S.S Ayurveda Medical college,Mysore,Karnatka,India


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